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Emergency Minute - Crazy Medical Scenes in Famous Movies

Writer's picture: drjparentedrjparente

Doctor John Parente returns with another episode of Emergency Minute

Doctor John Parente

Welcome ​back ​to ​another ​episode ​of ​Emergency ​Minute. ​This ​is ​Doctor ​John ​Parente. ​Today ​is ​going ​to ​be ​a ​lot ​of ​fun. ​We're ​going ​to ​talk ​about ​some ​crazy ​scenes ​in ​movies ​that ​we've ​seen ​before ​that ​you've ​probably ​all ​seen ​relating ​to ​medical ​issues ​that ​came ​up ​during ​those ​scenes. ​So ​we're ​going ​to ​talk ​about ​what's ​accurate ​and ​what's ​not ​accurate ​and ​kind ​of ​move ​on. ​But ​before ​we ​get ​into ​that, ​I ​want ​to ​thank ​everyone ​for ​joining. ​This ​is ​the ​fourth ​episode ​for ​2024. ​22nd ​episode ​overall, ​hard ​to ​believe ​that ​people ​are ​out ​there ​still ​listening ​to ​me. ​I ​appreciate ​both ​of ​my ​listeners. ​Just ​joking. ​Thanks. ​Appreciate ​all ​of ​you ​guys. ​I ​apologize ​for ​the ​lack ​of ​shows. ​What's ​happening ​right ​now ​in ​the ​emergency ​room ​is ​actually ​quite ​daunting ​over ​the ​past ​decade. ​You ​know, ​with ​corporatization ​of ​medicine ​and, ​you ​know, ​people ​trying ​to ​make ​as ​much ​money ​as ​humanly ​possible, ​but ​given ​less ​and ​less ​resources, ​especially ​by ​the ​idiots ​in ​Washington, ​we ​just ​have ​to ​work ​harder ​and ​harder ​and ​harder ​and ​have ​less ​and ​less ​and ​less ​staffing. ​So ​• ​when ​I ​used ​to ​have ​some ​downtime ​at ​work, ​could ​put ​some ​time ​into, ​you ​know, ​putting ​these ​podcasts ​together. ​You ​probably ​don't ​realize ​this, judging ​by ​the ​quality ​of ​my ​shows, ​but ​this ​actually ​does ​take ​a ​lot ​of ​work. ​There's ​a ​lot ​of ​research ​that ​goes ​into ​this, ​a ​lot ​of ​planning, ​a ​lot ​of ​note ​taking ​and ​things ​like ​that. ​I ​used ​to ​have ​some ​downtime ​to ​be ​able ​to ​do ​that ​at ​work, ​and ​that's ​really ​not ​the ​case ​anymore. ​We ​pretty ​much ​get ​to ​work ​and ​just ​sprint ​for ​12 ​hours, ​which ​is ​really ​fun ​and ​it's ​why ​everyone's ​leaving ​healthcare. ​Okay, ​moving ​on. ​So ​I ​just ​wanna ​let ​you ​guys ​know ​that ​we ​are ​growing ​the ​show. ​The ​show ​is ​growing ​together ​and ​I ​could ​not ​do ​this ​without ​your ​support. ​• ​• ​If ​you ​enjoy ​this ​show, ​please ​consider ​leaving ​me ​a ​review ​on ​Apple ​or ​Spotify ​or ​wherever ​you ​listen ​to ​your ​podcasts, ​just ​know ​that ​anytime ​you ​share ​comment ​on ​social ​media ​posts, ​specifically ​those ​related ​to ​my ​podcast, ​know ​that ​you ​are ​helping ​a ​brother ​out. ​Know ​that ​I ​see ​you ​and ​I'm ​truly ​grateful.

Hollywood should hire a physician consultant to help make crazy medical scenes believable

All ​right, ​today's ​topic, ​crazy ​medical ​scenes ​in ​well ​known ​Hollywood ​movies. ​Are ​they ​accurate? ​Are ​they ​not? ​Should ​Hollywood ​give ​a ​crap ​about ​the ​accuracy ​or ​just ​the ​drama ​and ​the ​entertainment ​value? ​Or ​am ​I ​just ​the ​jerk ​who ​sits ​there ​and ​thinks ​to ​himself, ​come ​on, ​man, ​how ​do ​they ​not ​have ​a ​physician ​consultant ​to ​at ​least ​make ​some ​of ​these ​scenes ​a ​little ​bit ​more ​believable? ​Side ​note, ​if ​you ​know ​any ​producers ​looking ​for, ​you ​know, ​a ​relatively ​bright, ​super ​opinionated, ​not ​that ​really ​good ​looking ​physician ​consultant, ​I ​know ​just ​the ​guy ​for ​the ​job, ​and ​I ​guarantee ​I'll ​beat ​anyone's ​consulting ​rates. ​I ​mean, ​come ​on. ​The ​average ​budget ​in ​Hollywood ​is ​65 ​million, ​according ​to ​Google. ​Y'all ​can't ​find ​an ​extra ​$200 ​laying ​around ​in ​the ​couch ​cushion ​to ​consult ​with ​the ​doc?

Many movies show people getting shocked with flatlines, which is not realistic

All ​right, ​to ​start ​off, ​what ​are ​some ​of ​the ​general ​inconsistencies ​that ​we ​see ​in ​movies ​in ​general? ​Well, ​you ​know, ​first ​and ​foremost, ​we ​see ​people ​getting ​shocked. ​And ​a ​lot ​of ​times, ​it's ​sort ​of ​hilarious ​when ​you ​see ​this ​on ​the ​monitor ​and ​you're ​watching ​someone ​undergo ​CPR ​and ​they're ​getting ​shocked ​on ​tv, ​it's ​with ​a ​flatline. ​Now, ​a ​flat ​line ​means ​asystole, ​which ​means ​the ​shock ​is ​completely ​and ​totally ​worthless. ​Will ​not ​work ​no ​matter ​how ​many ​times ​you ​do ​it, ​no ​matter ​what ​you ​see ​on ​Hollywood. ​Now, ​if ​you ​saw ​it ​on ​tv, ​it ​must ​be ​true. ​Now, ​there ​are ​shockable ​rhythms ​out ​there, ​such ​as ​VTAC ​and ​V ​fib. ​You ​know, ​those ​are ​very ​realistic. ​We ​see ​these ​all ​the ​time ​in ​the ​emergency ​room. ​And, ​yes, ​we ​do ​shock ​people, ​or ​as ​we ​like ​to ​say, ​we ​electrocute ​them. ​But ​basically, ​you ​know, ​that's ​the ​thing ​that ​we ​see, ​probably ​most ​commonly, ​is ​people ​getting ​shocked ​with ​a ​flat ​line. ​I ​got ​news ​for ​you. ​If ​you've ​got ​a ​flatline, ​you're ​pretty ​much ​already ​onto ​the ​other ​side. ​Another ​thing ​that ​we ​see, ​and ​this ​was ​actually ​studied, ​ironically, is ​people ​undergoing ​CPR ​in ​the ​movies. ​And ​obviously, ​they ​can't. ​They ​can't ​push ​down ​as ​far, ​• ​• ​as ​they ​should ​if ​they ​were ​doing ​real ​CPR ​with. ​You're ​getting, ​you ​know, ​two ​or ​three ​inches ​of ​compression ​down ​in ​the ​chest, ​because ​the ​person ​that's ​there ​is ​probably ​not ​a ​mannequin. ​They're ​probably ​like ​a ​real ​life ​actor. ​So ​that ​part, ​you ​know, ​obviously, ​you ​get ​a ​pass. ​The ​study ​does ​show, ​though, ​that ​people ​that ​are ​undergoing ​CPR ​in ​movies ​undergo, • ​• ​at ​a ​much, ​much ​slower ​rate ​than ​real ​CPR. ​So ​found ​that ​kind ​of ​interesting ​when ​I ​was ​doing ​some ​notes ​for ​the ​show. ​Also, ​just ​if ​you ​are ​curious, ​if ​you ​undergo ​CPR, ​your ​odds ​of ​walking ​out ​of ​the ​hospital, ​meaning, ​like, ​you ​survived ​and ​you're ​relatively ​back ​to ​normal ​ish, ​depending ​on ​the ​circumstances, ​of ​course, ​is ​about ​10% ​tops, ​maybe ​15%. ​They've ​studied ​this, ​in ​the ​movies, ​when ​people ​undergo ​CPR, ​it's ​85%, ​which ​is ​just ​not ​realistic, ​and ​unfortunately, ​creates ​this ​sort ​of ​societal ​expectation ​that ​if ​we ​just ​shock ​everyone ​and ​do ​CPR, ​everyone's ​going ​to ​be ​just ​fine. ​And ​that's ​unfortunately ​not ​the ​case.

Many movies portray taking bullets out as a cure for gunshot wounds

All ​right. ​Another ​thing ​that ​we ​see ​is ​very ​commonly ​taking ​the ​bullets ​out, ​and ​this ​will ​cure ​the ​patient, ​really. ​Taking ​the ​bullet ​out ​really ​has ​nothing ​to ​do ​with ​anything ​other ​than, ​yes, ​the ​bullet ​is ​hot, ​and ​so ​removing ​it ​from ​that ​tissue ​can ​save ​some ​of ​the ​surrounding ​tissue. ​So ​there ​is ​some ​value ​in ​getting ​the ​bullet ​out, ​but ​it's ​not ​like, ​you ​know, ​in ​the ​movies, ​they ​portray ​a ​bullet ​going ​in, ​and ​then ​they ​have ​to ​go ​find ​this ​rogue ​doctor ​or ​dentist ​or ​veterinarian ​that ​can, ​you ​know, ​work ​in ​his, ​like, ​cd ​surgical ​suite ​at ​his ​house ​and ​remove ​the ​bullets. ​And ​as ​soon ​as ​that ​happens, ​you ​know, ​we'll ​just ​patch ​you ​up ​and ​send ​you ​on ​your ​way, ​and, ​you ​know, ​all ​the ​pain ​goes ​away, ​and ​you're ​just ​so ​much ​better. ​Yet, ​that's ​not ​how ​this ​works. ​• ​• ​do ​you ​guys ​remember ​the ​scene ​from ​minority ​report ​with ​Tom ​Cruise, ​the ​eyeball ​surgery ​scene? ​that's ​pretty ​horrifying. ​That ​place ​was ​disgusting. ​Hopefully, ​you're ​not ​having ​surgery ​in ​a ​seedy ​place ​like ​that ​anytime ​soon, ​or ​maybe ​you ​already ​have. ​I ​don't ​know. ​And ​then ​lastly, ​another ​thing ​we ​see ​is ​the ​villains ​getting ​hit ​with ​some ​sort ​of ​dart ​or ​substance ​that ​puts ​them ​down ​instantaneously. ​There's ​really ​not ​a ​substance ​in ​the ​world ​that ​does ​that. ​Guess ​we'll ​get ​into ​some ​of ​the ​different ​substances ​in ​this ​podcast ​here ​a ​little ​bit. ​But ​the ​reality ​is, ​yeah, ​that ​doesn't ​really ​exist, ​where ​you ​could ​just ​hit ​someone ​with ​a ​dart ​and ​they ​just ​fall ​over. ​Trust ​me, ​if ​that ​substance ​existed, ​we ​would ​use ​it ​in ​the ​ER. ​When ​someone ​comes ​in ​high ​on ​meth ​with ​an ​alcohol ​of ​300 ​and ​they're ​taking ​swings ​at ​the ​nurses, ​which, ​yes, ​that ​does ​happen ​all ​the ​time.

In Mission Impossible 3, Tom Cruise undergoes CPR during cardiac arrest

All ​right, ​moving ​on. ​First ​up, ​we're ​going ​to ​talk ​about ​mission ​impossible ​three. ​Now, ​this ​is ​a ​Tom ​Cruise ​movie, ​and ​the ​character's ​name ​is ​Ethan ​Hunt. ​He ​has ​this ​sort ​of ​device ​in ​his ​head ​and ​has ​Michelle ​Monaghan ​electrocute ​him ​in ​order ​to ​deactivate ​it ​so ​it ​doesn't ​explode ​in ​his ​head. ​Now, ​this ​sends ​him ​into ​a ​dysrhythmiaa ​heart ​rhythm ​issue, ​and ​he ​undergoes ​CPR. ​So. ​Okay, ​that's. ​That's ​pretty ​good ​so ​far, ​other ​than ​the ​thing ​that's ​implanted ​in ​the ​head ​and, ​you ​know, ​whatever, the ​entire ​scenario ​obviously ​is ​very ​unlikely ​and ​far ​fetched. ​That's ​how, ​you ​know, ​mission ​impossible ​works ​and ​Hollywood ​works. ​but ​there, ​there ​are ​some ​kind ​of ​good ​takeaways ​from ​this ​scene. ​First ​and ​foremost, ​you ​know, ​she ​does ​perform ​very ​fast, ​very ​quick ​bystander ​CPR. ​And ​this ​is ​statistically ​your ​best ​chance ​of ​survival ​in ​the ​event ​that ​you ​have ​a ​sudden ​cardiac ​arrest. ​Plug, ​a ​selfish ​plug ​for ​me. ​If ​you ​want ​to ​listen ​to ​another ​podcast ​of ​mine, ​I ​would ​check ​out ​sudden ​cardiac ​death ​in ​athletes ​when ​I ​specifically ​address, Damar ​Hamlin ​collapsing ​on ​the ​football ​field ​last ​year. ​The ​other ​thing ​I ​really ​liked ​about ​this ​scene ​is ​something ​called ​the ​precordial ​thump. ​Now, ​obviously, ​Hollywood ​has ​to ​make ​this ​very ​dramatic. ​She's ​doing ​CPR, ​it's ​not ​working. ​And ​so ​she's ​crying ​and ​she's ​getting ​overly ​emotional ​and, ​you ​know, ​so ​she ​starts ​to ​sort ​of ​punch ​him ​in ​the ​chest. ​Now, ​this ​actually ​is ​a ​real ​medical ​thing. ​you ​know, ​in ​this ​case, ​Tom ​Cruise ​gets ​electrocuted, ​likely ​sent ​into ​VTAC ​or ​v ​fib, ​and, ​you ​know, ​would ​need ​defibrillated. ​If ​you ​don't ​have ​a ​defibrillator ​or ​even ​if ​there's ​a ​delay ​in ​getting ​one, ​the ​quickest ​way ​to ​try ​to ​• ​• ​manually ​defibrillate ​someone ​or ​cardiovert ​them ​is ​to ​punch ​them ​in ​the ​chest. ​This ​is ​a ​real ​thing. ​It's ​called ​a ​precordial ​thump. ​I've ​done ​this ​probably ​about ​five ​times ​in ​my ​career ​now, ​you ​would ​say, ​you ​know, ​why ​on ​earth ​would ​doctor ​parente ​punch ​somebody ​in ​the ​chest ​when ​he ​has ​all ​these ​great ​medical ​tools ​at ​his ​disposal? ​Well, ​keep ​in ​mind ​that ​sometimes ​people, go ​into ​dysrhythmias ​and ​just ​sort ​of ​pass ​out. ​They ​go ​into ​vtac ​or ​v ​fib ​or ​nasty ​things ​that, ​you ​know, ​could ​take ​their ​lives ​without ​us ​having ​something ​on ​them. ​Like, ​not ​everyone ​presents ​to ​the ​ER ​and ​says, ​hey, ​I'm ​about ​to ​die. ​My ​rhythm ​is ​about ​to ​change ​here. ​In ​about ​30 ​minutes, ​my ​rhythm ​is ​going ​to ​change. ​So ​we ​don't ​always ​know ​when ​this ​is ​going ​to ​happen. ​So ​there ​have ​been ​some ​cases ​in ​my ​career ​where ​someone ​would ​pass ​out ​or ​whatever. ​We ​hook ​them ​up ​to ​the ​monitor ​and ​we're ​like, ​oh, ​crap, ​this ​person's ​in ​v ​tac. ​You ​know, ​this ​is ​a ​big ​deal. ​Hey, ​let's ​get ​the ​pacer ​pads, ​and ​so ​we ​can, ​you ​know, ​cardiovert ​this ​person. ​Well, ​that. ​That ​takes ​time. ​It ​takes ​a ​few ​minutes ​to. ​We ​could ​do ​it ​very ​quickly. ​But ​you ​know ​what ​else ​is ​really ​quick ​is ​for ​me ​just ​to ​jack ​somebody ​right ​in ​the ​chest. ​And ​I've ​done ​it ​a ​few ​times. ​It ​does ​sometimes ​work. ​I ​think ​I've ​had ​it ​happen,probably ​about ​five ​or ​six ​times ​in ​my ​career, ​and ​it's ​worked ​about ​two ​times. ​And ​what's ​hilarious ​is, ​you ​know, ​you ​jack ​somebody ​with, ​you ​know, ​pretty ​good ​force ​right ​in ​the ​middle ​of ​the ​sternum. ​And ​the ​one ​time ​the ​guy, ​I ​literally ​jacked ​this ​guy ​in ​the ​chest, ​and, ​like, ​in ​one ​motion, ​he ​just ​was ​like, ​why ​the ​hell ​did ​you ​do ​that? ​And ​I'm ​like, ​because ​your ​heart ​was ​about ​to ​stop. ​So ​you're ​welcome, ​I ​think, ​is ​the ​word ​that ​you're ​looking ​for ​there. ​So, ​yeah, ​so, ​I ​mean, ​obviously, ​what's ​going ​to ​be ​faster? ​Is ​it ​going ​to ​be ​faster ​for ​me ​to ​do ​that, ​or ​is ​it ​going ​to ​be ​faster ​for ​me ​to ​have ​the ​nerves, ​you ​know, ​go ​find ​the ​machine, ​bring ​it ​over, ​you ​know, ​hook ​them ​up ​to ​the ​monitor, ​hook ​them ​up ​to ​the ​pacer ​pads, ​all ​those ​things. ​It's ​gonna. ​It's ​gonna ​take ​some ​time. ​So ​if ​you ​see ​somebody ​out ​there ​and ​they're ​collapsed ​and ​relatively ​pulseless ​and ​look ​like ​they ​need ​a ​good ​punch ​in ​the ​chest, ​my ​implore ​you ​to ​do ​so. ​That ​would ​be ​hilarious. ​Also, ​looking ​at ​this ​from ​a ​stadium ​standpoint, ​from ​the ​Demar ​Hamlin, ​you ​know, ​case, ​I ​don't ​know ​if ​he ​had ​that ​done ​on ​the ​field. ​I ​obviously ​wasn't ​there. ​It ​sounds ​like ​he ​was ​undergoing ​CPR ​in ​the ​field. ​There ​was ​a ​lot ​of ​people ​surrounding ​him, ​so ​that, ​you ​know, ​no ​one ​could ​really ​see ​what ​the ​heck ​was ​going ​on. ​But ​imagine ​being ​the ​team ​physician ​on ​the ​side ​guideline ​for ​a ​football ​game, ​and ​someone ​collapses ​and ​goes ​into ​cardiac ​arrest. ​You ​got ​to ​find ​an ​AED, ​right? ​You ​got ​to ​find ​the ​thing ​to ​hook ​the ​patient ​up ​to. ​You ​got ​to ​get ​him ​off ​his, ​you ​know, ​his ​jersey ​and ​the ​shoulder ​pads ​and ​everything ​else. ​You ​got ​to ​hook ​him ​up, ​wait ​for ​the ​rhythm ​to ​be ​analyzed, ​then ​you ​got ​to ​wait ​for ​the ​response. ​You ​know, ​click ​the ​button ​that ​says, ​okay, ​it's ​time ​to ​go ​ahead ​and ​shock ​this ​person, ​or ​you ​just ​jack ​them ​in ​the ​chest ​as ​fast ​as ​you ​can. ​I ​mean, ​that's ​something ​that ​you ​can ​actually ​try. ​So ​I ​think ​that's, something ​that's ​kind ​of ​good ​to ​see, ​because ​a ​lot ​of ​people ​don't ​know ​that ​or ​think ​that, ​you ​know, ​that ​that ​wasn't ​real. ​But ​in ​the ​movie, ​she ​did, ​you ​know, ​sort ​of ​do ​the ​precordial ​thump, ​and ​then ​he, ​like, ​wakes ​right ​up, ​which ​is ​pretty ​realistic ​in ​that ​regard ​because ​he ​did ​need ​to ​be ​defibrillated. ​So ​overall, ​I ​think ​the ​movie ​did ​a ​good ​job ​for ​creating ​this ​very ​suspenseful ​scene, ​you ​know, ​somewhat ​accurate ​with ​good ​CPR ​technique. ​And ​then, ​you ​know, ​bonus ​points ​for ​the ​pre ​cordial ​thump, ​which, ​you ​know, ​really ​could ​save ​a ​life. ​So ​I'll ​give ​it ​two ​thumbs ​up, ​or ​maybe ​one ​and ​a ​half. ​I ​don't ​know, ​one ​and ​a ​half ​thumbs ​is. ​But ​that ​seems ​right.

There's a memorable medical scene in a Quentin Tarantino movie

Moving ​on ​to ​the ​second ​movie ​is ​a ​Quentin ​Tarantino ​classic ​pulp ​fiction, ​very ​memorable ​movie ​and ​medical ​m ​scene ​in ​this ​movie ​where ​obviously ​a ​person ​gets ​stabbed ​in ​the ​heart. ​Bit ​of ​a ​stretch, ​but ​medically ​does ​make ​some ​sense. ​So ​we ​have ​Mia ​Wallace, ​who's ​played ​by ​Uma ​Thurman, ​finding ​heroin ​in ​Vincent ​Vega's ​jacket, ​and ​she ​mistakes ​it ​for ​cocaine, ​and ​she ​snorts ​it ​and ​essentially ​overdoses. ​So ​he ​does ​the ​only ​logical ​thing ​and ​then ​goes ​to ​find ​the ​local ​neighborhood ​drug ​dealer, ​slash, ​I ​don't ​know, ​street ​physician ​• ​who ​tries ​to ​help ​him ​out ​and ​gets ​a ​medical ​• ​bottle, ​of ​medicine ​that's ​labeled ​adrenaline, ​which ​is ​first, ​you ​know, ​off ​hilarious, ​because ​adrenaline ​is ​a ​hormone ​in ​the ​body. ​It ​is ​not ​a ​medication. ​But ​they ​figured ​that ​most ​people ​would ​understand ​adrenaline ​and ​not ​understand ​the ​term ​epinephrine, ​so ​that's ​why ​they ​chose ​that. ​But ​it ​is ​epinephrine. ​That ​is ​the ​medication ​that's ​sort ​of ​being ​in ​implied ​there. ​And ​that ​would ​jumpstart ​the ​heart. ​Now, ​that ​would ​work ​if ​the ​patient ​had ​gone ​into, ​like, ​v ​tac ​or ​v ​fib, ​like ​a ​dysrhythmia ​for ​the ​heart. ​It ​does ​not ​reverse ​the ​opioid ​overdose. ​That ​likely ​is ​the ​cause ​of ​this ​here. ​Does ​anybody ​know ​what ​reverses ​that? ​Yes. ​Narcan. ​So ​that ​sort ​of ​is ​issue ​number ​one. ​Now, ​the ​other ​part ​is ​how ​they ​administer ​the ​medication. ​They ​did ​pretty ​good, as ​far ​as ​anatomically, ​the ​location ​just ​above ​her ​left ​breast, ​that ​is, ​is ​where ​your ​heart, ​• ​• ​• ​• ​they ​do, ​you ​know, ​sort ​of ​take ​too ​long ​to ​give ​the ​medication. ​In ​reality, ​if ​she ​was ​truly ​pulseless, ​which ​we ​don't ​really ​know, ​obviously ​she ​wasn't, ​like, ​hooked ​up ​to ​a ​monitor ​for ​the ​movie, ​then ​you ​would ​be ​doing ​CPR ​or ​precordial ​thump, ​at ​least ​while ​waiting ​to ​give ​the ​medication. ​Because ​if ​this ​was ​just ​like, ​a ​respiratory ​arrest, ​then ​maybe ​you ​had ​some ​time. ​So ​respiratory ​arrest ​is ​when ​someone ​stops ​breathing ​and ​by ​the ​way, ​that ​doesn't ​mean ​that ​their ​heart ​stops. ​Usually ​that ​happens ​moments ​later ​or ​minutes ​later, ​depending ​on ​how ​bad ​off ​the ​person ​is. ​But, ​yeah, ​if ​there, ​if ​they're ​truly ​pulseless, ​you ​know, ​there's ​not ​a ​lot ​of ​time. ​I ​mean, ​you ​have ​seconds ​to ​get ​this ​thing ​together. ​But, ​of ​course, ​it's ​Hollywood. ​And ​they ​create ​this ​sort ​of ​build ​up ​that ​leads ​to ​him ​stabbing ​her ​right ​in ​the ​heart, ​which ​is ​pretty ​hilarious ​and ​obviously ​a ​very ​iconic ​movie ​scene. ​Now, ​in ​this ​scene, ​the ​drug ​dealer ​makes ​it ​very ​clear ​that ​he ​has ​to ​stab ​her ​hard ​to ​get ​through ​the ​breastplate, ​which ​really ​isn't ​true ​because ​they're ​not ​going ​through ​the ​sternum. ​You ​could ​just ​go ​between ​the ​ribs, ​which ​would, ​you ​know, ​be ​the ​most ​likely ​pathway ​and ​the ​most ​successful ​pathway. ​It'd ​be ​awfully ​hard ​to ​get ​a ​needle ​through ​the ​rib ​and ​then ​into ​the ​heart. ​But ​obviously, ​that ​doesn't ​make ​for ​good ​tv. ​So ​I ​get ​that ​part ​now. ​You ​know, ​the ​other ​part ​of ​this ​that's ​kind ​of ​humorous ​is ​that ​as ​soon ​as ​she ​gets ​the ​medication, ​after, ​you ​know, ​a ​millisecond, ​you ​know, ​she ​just ​sits ​right ​up ​and ​is, ​like, ​wide ​awake. ​You ​know, ​in ​reality, ​even ​if ​this ​was ​to ​work, ​it ​would ​take ​a ​few ​seconds,to ​have ​the ​heart ​kind ​of ​start ​back ​up ​and ​for ​her ​to ​regain ​consciousness. ​And ​quite ​frankly, ​the ​best ​thing ​to ​do ​would ​be ​to ​administer ​the ​medication ​and ​then ​do ​another ​round ​of, ​CPR ​in ​order ​to ​sort ​of, ​you ​know, ​get ​the ​heart ​moving ​and ​kind ​of ​circulate ​the ​medications, ​things ​like ​that. ​So, ​you ​know, ​that ​that's ​the ​reality. she ​would ​not, ​you ​know, ​in ​all ​likelihood, ​just ​sit ​right ​up. ​But ​it ​made ​for ​a ​very ​humorous, ​very ​well ​done ​medical ​• ​scene. ​So, ​you ​know, ​can ​this ​actually ​work? ​It ​is ​possible. ​It's ​been ​done ​in ​medicine ​before. ​• ​• ​We, do ​have ​it. ​It's ​called ​intracardiac ​epinephrine. ​And ​this ​is ​a ​scenario ​where, ​like, ​if ​you ​don't ​have ​an ​iv ​or ​you ​don't ​have ​an ​IO, ​which ​is ​an ​intraosseous ​line ​where ​we ​can ​give ​medications ​through, ​like, ​a ​line ​that's ​hooked ​into ​your ​bone ​that's ​very ​easy ​to ​get, ​or ​if ​someone's ​not ​intubated ​with, ​like, ​a ​tube ​down ​their ​throat, ​because ​we ​can ​shoot ​medications ​down ​the ​tube. ​If ​you ​don't ​have ​any ​other ​chance ​of ​giving ​this ​medication, ​yes, ​it ​theoretically ​could ​work, ​but ​obviously ​it's ​not ​something ​that's ​done, ​you ​know, ​routinely ​in ​healthcare.

Quentin Tarantino filmed this scene in reverse

Kind ​of ​a ​cool ​note ​about ​this ​movie. ​Quentin ​Tarantino ​filmed ​this ​scene ​in ​reverse. ​So ​that ​kind ​of ​makes ​some ​sense ​as ​to ​like, ​how ​would ​you ​stab ​an ​actress ​and ​kind ​of ​make ​it ​look ​realistic. ​So ​he ​sort ​of ​did ​it ​backwards. ​Also, ​I ​thought ​it ​was ​very ​interesting ​in ​doing ​the ​research ​for ​the ​show ​that ​he ​thought ​it ​would ​be ​sort ​of ​good ​imagery ​for ​an ​anti ​drug ​campaign ​• ​• ​to ​kind ​of ​show ​what ​an ​overdose ​looked ​like ​and ​how ​you ​could ​almost ​die ​and ​how ​it ​would ​take ​something ​drastic ​to ​sort ​of ​bring ​you ​back. ​Very ​interesting ​that, ​you ​know, ​as ​much ​as ​we ​see ​in ​this ​movie ​with ​like ​drugs ​and ​everything ​else, ​it's, ​it's ​interesting ​to ​see ​that ​he ​actually ​had, ​you ​know,some, ​well, ​intentions ​regarding, ​you ​know, ​drug ​use ​and ​that ​kind ​of ​stuff ​that's ​kind ​of, ​blew ​me ​away ​when ​I ​was ​doing ​the ​research. ​So ​overall, ​how ​did ​the ​movie ​do? ​You ​know, ​I ​think ​it ​did ​a ​great ​job ​of ​creating ​a ​very ​suspenseful ​scene ​that ​is ​obviously, ​you ​know, ​iconic ​in ​history. ​I ​can ​only ​really ​give ​one ​thumbs ​up ​from ​a ​medical ​side ​of ​things ​because ​there's ​a ​lot ​of ​inaccuracies ​and ​kind ​of ​far ​fetched ​things ​here. ​But ​I ​do ​give ​two ​thumbs ​up ​for ​creating ​one ​of ​the ​most ​memorable ​medical ​scenes ​in ​cinematic ​history.

Vx gas is an irreversible acetylcholinesterase inhibitor

Alright, ​moving ​on ​to ​my ​next ​movie ​is ​the ​rock ​with ​Stanley ​Goodspeed ​and ​John ​Mason, ​which ​is ​Sean ​Connery ​and ​Nicolas ​Cage, ​who ​take ​the ​vx ​gas ​from ​the ​rocket. ​So ​what ​is ​Vx ​gas? ​Well, ​Vx ​gas ​is ​real. ​It's ​a ​organophosphate. ​Think ​of ​like ​pesticides, ​only ​it's ​a ​lot ​more ​volatile, ​it's ​a ​lot ​more ​dangerous. ​So ​you ​have ​this, you ​know, ​final ​fight ​scene ​where, ​you ​know, ​everybody's ​fighting ​and ​they're ​trying ​to ​get ​that ​last ​set ​of ​the ​organophosphate ​balls, ​the ​vx ​gas ​balls ​out ​of ​the ​rocket. ​But ​he ​puts ​one ​into ​his ​pocket ​that ​has ​sort ​of ​escaped ​and ​fell ​onto ​the ​ground. ​He's ​fighting ​with ​another ​dude ​and ​he ​puts ​the ​ball ​in ​his ​mouth ​and ​punches ​him, ​spraying ​the ​vx ​gas ​all ​over. ​Alright, ​so ​what ​does ​that ​mean? ​Well, ​question ​one, ​is ​Vx ​gas ​real? ​Yes, ​Vx ​gas ​is ​very ​real. ​It ​is ​an ​irreversible ​acetylcholinesterase, • ​• ​• ​• ​inhibitor. ​And ​so ​what ​that ​means ​is ​that ​it ​basically ​takes ​the ​nerve ​signal ​that ​normally ​is ​able ​to ​be ​stopped ​at ​some ​point ​and ​makes ​it ​so ​that ​it ​cannot ​be ​stopped. ​Meaning ​those ​nerves ​are ​just ​going ​to ​continue ​to ​fire ​and ​fire ​and ​fire ​and ​fire ​and ​just ​go ​through ​all ​of ​their ​conductions ​without ​ever ​being ​stopped. ​So ​that's ​kind ​of,obviously ​very ​dangerous ​thing ​because ​• ​normally ​the ​signal ​can ​be ​stopped ​by ​acetylcholinesterase ​but ​if ​you ​have ​acetylcholinesterase ​inhibitor, ​then ​you ​just ​have ​this ​perpetual ​firing ​of ​the ​nerve. ​So ​this ​vx ​gas ​really ​inhibits ​the ​nerve ​signal ​from ​ever ​stopping. ​So ​the ​nerve ​signals ​just ​go ​on ​and ​on ​and ​on. ​So ​that ​creates, ​obviously, ​a ​lot ​of ​the ​bad ​impacts ​of ​this ​type ​of ​medication ​or ​this ​type ​of ​poisoning, ​you ​know? ​So ​question ​two. ​Is ​this ​Vx ​gas ​as ​nasty ​as ​the ​movie ​makes ​it ​seem? ​Yeah, ​it ​is ​ridiculously ​toxic. ​Like, ​straight ​up ​nasty. ​A ​little ​drop ​on ​your ​finger ​would ​kill ​a ​full ​grown ​adult. ​Now, ​it ​won't ​cause ​the, ​like, ​boils ​on ​the ​face ​within ​seconds, ​like ​in ​the ​movie, ​kind ​of ​this, ​like, ​almost ​zombie ​look ​to ​it, ​but ​it ​will ​make ​all ​of ​your ​muscles ​essentially ​contract ​without ​any ​end ​in ​sight. ​And ​ultimately, ​you'll ​suffocate ​from ​not ​being ​able ​to ​breathe, ​and ​you'll ​die ​from ​respiratory ​arrest, ​which ​will ​send ​you ​into ​cardiac ​arrest. ​Now, ​there's ​a ​lot ​of ​other ​symptoms ​that ​go ​along ​with ​this. ​There's. ​There's ​drooling, ​excessive ​tears, excessive ​sweating, ​salivation, ​urination. ​• ​• ​Basically, ​just ​imagine ​fluid ​coming ​out ​of ​every ​place ​in ​your ​body. ​It's ​extremely ​unpleasant. ​Eventually, ​you'll ​become ​short ​of ​breath, ​convulsing ​in ​seizures, ​and ​die. ​I ​mean, ​this ​is ​a ​highly, ​highly ​toxic, ​you ​know, ​chemical ​warfare ​type ​of ​agent. ​Now, ​they ​do ​use ​atropine ​in ​the ​movie, ​which ​is ​an ​anticholinergic, agent. ​Is ​that ​the ​antidote? ​Well, ​sort ​of. ​It's ​used ​to ​treat ​a ​lot ​of ​the ​symptoms ​because ​you ​have, ​like ​we ​talked ​about ​before, ​this ​continual ​firing ​of. ​Of ​these ​nerves, ​which ​causes, ​like, ​the ​slow ​heart ​rate. ​And, ​you ​know, ​all ​those ​things ​we ​talked ​about ​with ​the ​fluids, ​the ​urine, ​the ​tears, ​the ​vomiting, ​the ​atropine ​will ​sort ​of ​counteract ​those ​symptoms. ​But ​it's ​not ​necessarily ​the ​antidote. as ​the ​movie ​sort ​of ​depicts, ​you ​would ​actually ​need ​something ​called ​tupam, ​which ​is ​extremely ​rare ​and ​something ​very ​hard ​to ​find. ​But ​you ​would ​have ​to ​really ​give ​both ​of ​those ​agents ​in ​the ​field ​very, • ​very, ​very ​quickly ​for ​this ​to ​have ​any ​chance ​of ​working. ​And ​you. ​There's ​a ​good ​chance ​you'd ​still ​die ​regardless. ​But ​you ​couldn't ​really ​give ​these ​things ​in ​a ​hospital ​hours ​later. ​This ​person ​would ​already ​be ​dead. way ​less ​effective ​once ​this ​sort ​of ​cascade ​has ​been ​set ​in ​motion.

Vx gas was outlawed per chemical weapons convention in 1993

So ​do ​we ​still ​have ​Vx ​gas? ​No, ​this ​was,sort ​of, ​outlawed ​per ​the ​chemical ​weapons ​convention, ​signed ​in ​1993. ​It's ​pretty ​nasty ​stuff. ​And ​there ​is ​a ​very ​famous ​and ​successful ​assassination. ​I ​don't ​know ​if ​anybody ​knows ​about ​this ​one, ​but ​this ​would ​be. ​And ​I'm ​gonna ​butcher ​these ​names, ​so ​I ​apologize. ​Kim ​Young, ​um's ​brother, ​King ​Young ​nam ​from ​Korea, ​had ​basically ​two ​ladies ​throw ​some ​gas ​in ​his ​face ​at ​an ​airport, ​and ​he ​was ​rushed ​to ​the ​hospital ​dead ​within ​15 ​minutes. ​So ​this ​is ​a ​real ​thing. it's ​very ​toxic. ​Overall, ​I ​think ​the ​movie ​did ​a ​very ​good ​job ​with ​a ​high ​risk ​scene, ​and ​they ​did ​pull ​it ​off. ​I. ​Because ​I'm ​a ​nerd ​and ​I ​like ​the ​talk ​stuff ​and ​all ​that ​stuff. ​I ​give ​it ​two ​thumbs ​up. ​I ​thought ​they ​did ​a ​great ​job ​with ​what ​they ​had.

James Bond drinks martini that was poisoned by his adversary in Casino Royale

All ​right, ​moving ​on. ​Casino ​Royale. ​All ​right, ​so ​we ​have ​James ​Bond ​here ​playing ​some ​Texas ​hold'em ​poker. ​He's ​drinking ​his ​martini ​that ​was ​poisoned ​by ​his ​adversary, ​who ​is ​le ​Chiffre. ​Le ​Chiffre. ​I ​don't ​know ​how ​to ​say ​his ​name. ​I ​don't ​speak ​French. ​Sorry. ​But ​he ​drinks ​this ​one ​sip ​out ​of ​his, martini ​that's ​been ​poisoned. ​He ​then ​runs ​to ​the ​bathroom, ​knowing ​that ​he's ​been ​poisoned. ​He ​tries ​to ​drink ​some ​water, ​and ​that's ​not ​gonna ​do ​the ​trick. ​So ​then ​he ​runs ​out ​to ​his ​magical ​car ​that ​has, ​like, ​all ​these ​fancy ​contraptions. ​He's, ​by ​some ​miracle, ​able ​to ​put ​an ​iv ​into ​his ​wrist, ​which ​allows ​him ​to ​communicate ​with ​the ​physician ​remotely, ​who ​immediately ​diagnoses ​the ​problem ​within. ​Within ​a ​moment, ​hooks ​up ​a ​defibrillator ​to ​his ​chest ​that ​just, ​you ​know, ​happened ​to ​be ​laying ​around ​in ​the ​glove ​box. ​I'm ​sure ​you ​guys ​got ​these ​as ​well, ​I ​think. ​Get ​him ​at ​autozone ​now.

The scene where Bond takes digoxin is hilarious, but also inaccurate

All ​right, ​so ​a ​couple ​of ​issues ​with ​this ​scene. ​First ​issue ​is ​that ​he ​took ​one ​sip ​of ​the ​martini ​that ​had, ​like, ​an ​ounce ​of ​the ​substance ​in ​there. ​You ​know, ​some ​of ​the ​strongest ​substances ​on ​earth ​would ​be ​diluted ​100 ​or ​a ​thousand ​times, ​not ​really ​have ​an ​impact, ​or, ​certainly ​not ​that ​quick. ​The ​physician ​that ​speaks ​to ​bond ​on ​the ​phone ​is ​like, ​you'll ​be ​dead ​in ​two ​minutes ​unless ​you ​do ​exactly ​as ​I ​say. ​But,then, ​like, ​in ​further ​conversation, ​about ​30 ​seconds ​later, ​he's ​like, ​I ​don't ​know ​the ​identification ​of ​the ​poison ​yet ​because ​it's ​still ​scanning. ​So ​somehow ​they ​are ​remotely ​checking ​the ​blood ​for ​toxins, ​but ​he ​knows ​he's ​going ​to ​be ​dead ​in ​two ​minutes ​unless ​they ​do ​exactly ​as ​he ​says. ​Now, ​the ​final ​diagnosis ​here, ​and ​this ​is ​where ​from, ​like, ​a ​medical, ​• ​professional. ​This ​is, ​like, ​hilarious, ​because ​it's ​completely ​inaccurate. ​They ​identify ​the ​toxin ​as ​digitalis, ​or ​digoxin, ​which ​is ​a ​cardiac ​medication. ​And ​the ​heart ​rhythm ​is ​v. ​Tac ​or ​ventricular ​tachycardia. ​So ​a ​lot ​to ​unpack ​here. ​First, ​dig ​toxicity ​is ​something ​that ​takes ​a ​very ​long ​time ​to ​create ​symptoms. ​• ​It's ​something ​that ​happens ​over ​hours ​and ​hours ​and ​hours, ​if ​not ​days ​and ​days ​and ​days. ​And ​where ​do ​we ​see ​this? ​We ​see ​this ​in ​someone ​in ​the ​emergency ​room ​who ​has ​a ​very ​slow ​heart ​rate, ​not ​a ​fast ​one, ​because ​they've ​usually ​gone ​into, ​like, ​kidney ​failure. ​Something ​bad ​has ​happened ​in ​that ​regard. ​And ​their ​didge ​levels ​then ​start ​to ​climb ​and ​climb ​and ​climb, ​and ​that ​causes ​your ​heart ​rate ​to ​slow ​down, ​slow ​down, ​slow ​down. ​So, ​you ​know, ​obviously, ​not ​a ​good ​look ​for ​Hollywood ​here ​if ​they're ​trying ​to ​be ​accurate, ​because ​did ​slows ​your ​heart ​rate ​down, ​does ​not ​send ​you ​into ​V ​tac. ​And ​furthermore, ​obviously, ​it ​takes ​a ​very ​long ​time. ​But ​for ​the ​purpose ​of ​the ​movie, ​they ​need ​something ​that ​is ​sort ​of ​rare, ​that ​not ​many ​people ​have ​probably ​heard ​of, ​and ​then, ​you ​know, ​make ​an ​entertaining ​scene ​in ​the ​movie. ​He ​does ​delay ​shocking ​himself ​so ​that ​he ​can ​give ​himself ​the ​antidote, ​which ​is ​called ​Digibynd, ​and ​he ​gives ​it ​in ​his ​neck. ​Now, ​this ​would ​take ​a ​lot ​longer ​to ​sort ​of ​counteract ​the ​digoxin. ​You'd ​need ​a ​pretty ​darn ​big ​dose ​as ​well, ​and ​very ​little ​chance, ​if,not ​zero, ​that ​you're ​just ​gonna ​stab ​yourself ​in ​the ​neck ​and ​get ​it ​into ​a ​van ​blindly. ​Now, ​he ​passes ​out ​at ​this ​point. ​So ​in ​all ​likelihood, ​he ​would ​progress, ​at ​least ​in ​this ​fictional ​scenario, ​from ​v ​tac ​to ​v ​fib, ​which ​is ​the ​last ​rhythm ​you ​see ​before ​you ​go ​to ​Jesus. ​And ​then ​his ​lady ​friend ​discovers ​him ​in ​the ​car, ​hooks ​him ​up ​to ​a ​defibrillator, ​and ​shocks ​him. ​He ​immediately ​wakes ​up, ​which ​is ​probably ​the ​most ​accurate ​part ​of ​the ​scene, ​and, ​like, ​moves ​on ​and ​goes ​back ​inside ​to ​play ​cards, ​which ​is ​hilarious, ​you ​know, ​well ​done ​for ​an ​entertaining ​scene.

The villain in Casino Royale bleeds from a tear duct, a rare medical condition

interesting ​fact, ​the ​villain ​in ​Casino ​Royale, ​Les ​Scheffer, ​bleeds ​from ​a ​tear ​duct ​in ​his ​eye, ​a ​rare ​medical ​condition. ​Does ​anyone ​know ​the ​name ​of ​it? ​It's ​hemolacria, ​which ​is ​really ​simple. ​If ​you ​speak ​Latin ​and ​you ​break ​down ​the ​word, ​it's ​hemo, ​which ​is ​blood ​and ​lacria, ​referring ​to ​the ​lacrimal ​system, ​the ​tear ​duct ​system. ​So ​thanks, ​mom, ​for ​making ​me ​take ​Latin ​in ​high ​school. ​Paying ​off ​in ​dividends. ​Overall, ​how ​did ​the ​movie ​do? ​I ​think ​it ​was ​very ​far ​fetched. ​It's ​outlandish, ​• ​completely ​unrealistic, ​and ​most ​of ​all, ​medically ​inaccurate. ​I ​give ​it ​a ​zero ​thumbs ​up. ​But ​admittedly, ​I ​enjoyed ​the ​movie, ​especially ​because ​part ​of ​it ​is ​filmed ​in ​the ​Bahamas ​at ​one ​of ​my ​favorite ​places ​on ​Earth, ​the ​ocean ​club, ​which ​is ​part ​of ​the ​four ​Seasons ​on ​Paradise ​island. ​In,fact, ​you ​can ​go ​to ​the, ​bar ​on ​the ​beach ​there. ​There's ​a ​restaurant ​called ​Dune, ​and ​you ​can ​actually ​order ​a ​casino ​Royale ​martini ​right ​there ​where ​the ​movie ​was ​filmed. ​Fun ​fact. ​I'll ​be ​there ​next ​week ​on ​vacation.

Mark Wahlberg gets shot in the chest and develops a pneumothorax

Moving ​on ​to ​another ​favorite ​medical ​scene ​of ​mine ​is ​three ​kings. ​This ​is ​featuring ​Mark ​Wahlberg, ​Ice ​Cube, ​and ​George ​Clooney. ​If ​you ​haven't ​seen ​this ​movie, ​I'd ​recommend ​it. ​The ​scene ​is ​pretty ​accurate, ​and ​they ​do ​a ​good ​job ​of ​blending ​a ​very ​serious ​medical ​issue ​and ​pepper ​in ​some ​humor, ​and ​are ​actually ​remarkably ​accurate ​with ​the ​diagnosis ​and ​treatment ​and ​things ​like ​that. ​So, ​in ​the. ​In ​the ​scene ​here, ​Mark ​Wahlberg ​gets ​shot ​in ​the ​right ​chest, ​and ​he ​develops ​what's ​called ​a ​tension ​pneumothorax. ​So ​this ​is ​where ​you ​get ​a ​hole ​in ​your ​chest. ​And ​essentially, ​you ​know, ​people ​don't ​realize ​this, ​but ​your ​chest ​is ​like ​a ​vacuum, ​and ​that's ​where ​the ​lungs ​are ​maintained, ​and ​there's ​pressures ​that ​allow ​you ​to ​breathe ​in, ​breathe ​out, ​etcetera. ​So ​if ​you ​get ​shot ​and ​you ​put ​a ​hole ​in ​such ​vacuum ​system, ​everything ​is ​disrupted. ​And ​what ​happens ​is ​air ​gets ​let ​into ​your ​chest, ​but ​not ​necessarily ​coming ​out ​of ​your ​chest. ​And ​so ​what ​happens ​is ​it ​starts ​to ​constrict ​your ​lungs, ​and ​your ​lungs ​collapse, ​and ​it ​makes ​it ​harder ​and ​harder ​for ​you ​to ​breathe. ​Now, ​attention. ​Pneumothorax ​is ​a ​true ​emergency ​where ​you ​will ​be ​dead ​within ​minutes ​very ​quickly ​if ​this ​does ​not ​get ​resolved. ​And ​that's ​where ​you ​have ​to ​put ​the ​tube ​into ​your ​chest. ​So ​this ​scene ​actually ​does ​a ​really ​good ​job ​of ​trying ​to ​show ​some ​different ​things. ​So, ​first ​and ​foremost, ​it ​tries ​to ​show ​a ​flail ​chest, ​which ​are ​paradoxical ​movements, ​meaning ​the ​segment ​of ​chest ​that's ​involved ​looks ​like ​you're ​inhaling ​when ​you're ​exhaling, ​and ​vice ​versa. ​So ​that ​was ​kind ​of ​cool ​to ​see. ​I'm, ​not ​sure ​I've ​ever ​seen ​that ​in ​Hollywood ​in ​a. ​In ​an ​actual ​movie ​form. ​And ​then ​they ​do ​these ​kind ​of ​cartoonish ​animations ​of ​the ​lung, ​where ​they ​show ​you ​what ​it ​looks ​like ​with ​a ​lung ​starting ​to ​collapse. ​So ​they ​did ​a ​good ​job ​sort ​of ​explaining ​exactly ​what ​was ​happening. ​Now, ​George ​Clooney, ​who ​ironically ​played ​an ​emergency ​medicine ​pediatrician ​on ​the ​show, er. ​If ​you're ​old ​enough ​like ​me ​to ​remember ​that, ​and ​he ​actually ​puts ​a ​large ​needle ​with ​a ​stopcock ​in ​the ​middle ​of ​the ​mid ​clavicular ​line, ​meaning ​he ​puts ​a ​big, ​giant ​iv ​type ​thing ​into ​the ​chest. ​For those ​of ​you ​that ​are ​not ​in ​medical ​field, ​he ​opens ​up ​the ​stopcock, ​and ​a ​rush ​of ​air ​can ​be ​heard ​as ​the ​lung ​re ​expands. ​That ​is ​extremely ​accurate ​in ​the ​sense ​that, ​you ​know, ​when ​we ​do ​put ​these ​tubes ​in, ​you ​can ​literally ​hear ​the ​air ​being ​let ​out ​like ​you ​just, ​you ​know, ​poked ​a ​tire ​with ​a ​knife. ​And ​again, ​they ​do ​kind ​of ​a ​good ​job ​with ​this ​cartoonish ​depiction ​showing ​that ​this ​would ​look ​like ​when ​the ​lung ​starts ​to ​re ​expand. ​Now, ​the ​only ​flaws ​that ​they ​make ​it ​seem ​like ​he ​just ​has ​this, ​like, ​permanent ​valve ​in ​his ​chest ​that ​will ​just ​last ​forever. ​And, ​you ​know, ​he ​can ​just ​run ​around ​with ​this ​thing, ​and ​in ​reality, ​you ​know, ​that's ​not ​going ​to ​last ​forever. ​At ​some ​point, ​he's ​going ​to ​have ​to ​have ​that ​converted ​to ​a ​tube ​in ​his ​chest ​because ​it's ​going ​to ​get ​clotted ​off ​with ​blood ​or ​debris. ​And ​ultimately, ​you ​know, ​every ​time ​air ​is ​getting ​into ​this, ​this ​cavity, ​not ​all ​of ​it's ​getting ​out. ​So ​it's ​going ​to ​eventually ​create ​another ​tension ​pneumo ​at ​some ​point. ​But ​it ​made ​for ​good, ​you ​know, ​cinematic ​entertainment, ​relatively ​medically ​accurate ​as ​well, ​so. ​But, ​yeah, ​he ​would ​have ​to ​have ​this ​chest ​tube ​in ​order ​to ​not ​have ​his ​lung ​completely ​collapsed. ​So, ​overall, ​how ​did ​the ​movie ​do? ​I ​think ​it ​was ​one ​of ​the ​most ​accurate ​depictions ​of ​a ​medical ​emergency ​and ​diagnosis ​in ​the ​field ​with ​treatment, ​not ​to ​mention ​the ​addition ​of ​humor ​and ​some ​cool, ​cartoonish ​type ​of ​stuff ​that ​I've ​really ​ever ​seen ​in ​a ​movie. ​I ​give ​them ​two ​thumbs ​up, ​for ​sure. ​This ​might ​be ​my ​all ​time ​favorite ​medical ​scene ​in ​any ​movie ​I've ​ever ​seen. ​And, ​there's ​no ​chance ​they ​did ​this ​without ​some ​type ​of ​input ​from ​an ​ER ​physician. ​And ​again, ​selfish ​plug ​m. ​Give ​me ​$100, ​$200 ​a ​movie, ​and ​I ​will ​be ​your ​consultant ​and ​make ​sure ​that ​some ​of ​this ​stuff ​isn't ​as ​crazy ​or ​far ​fetched, ​unless ​that's ​kind ​of ​what ​you're ​going ​for.

Will Ferrell accidentally shoots himself in the neck with Ketamine

All ​right, ​moving ​on ​to ​old ​school. ​One ​of ​my ​favorite ​movies, ​it's ​so ​dumb ​and ​so ​funny, ​though. ​one ​of ​the ​funniest movie ​scenes ​ever ​recorded ​is ​Frank ​Rickard, played ​by ​Will ​Ferrell, ​is ​at ​a ​birthday ​party, ​picks ​up ​a ​tranquilizer ​with, ​quote, ​the ​most ​powerful ​animal, ​animal ​tranquilizer ​in ​the ​world. ​End ​quote. ​whatever ​that ​means. ​I ​don't ​know. ​He ​maybe ​Ketamine ​he ​accidentally ​shoots ​himself ​in ​the ​neck ​and ​has ​a ​dart ​sticking ​out ​of ​his ​side ​of ​his ​neck ​at ​90 ​degrees. ​Dude, ​you ​got ​a ​freaking ​dart ​in ​your ​neck, ​man. ​So, ​you ​know, ​he ​does ​say ​that ​it ​hit ​his ​jugular ​• ​• ​• ​• ​a ​lot ​to ​unpack ​here, ​you ​know, ​what ​is ​the ​medication ​first ​and ​foremost? ​Most ​likely ​would ​be ​ketamine. ​If ​they're ​talking ​about ​animal ​tranquilizers, ​ketamine ​is ​a ​medication ​that's ​been ​around ​forever. ​We ​use ​it ​all ​the ​time. ​It ​kind ​of ​fell ​out ​of ​favor, ​I ​don't ​know, ​maybe ​20 ​years ​ago, ​but ​then ​sort ​of ​has ​made ​a ​comeback. ​Very ​safe ​medication ​when ​used ​appropriately. ​We ​use ​it ​in ​the ​emergency ​room ​a ​lot ​of ​times, ​especially ​if, ​like, ​you ​know, ​for ​example, ​you ​have ​a ​kid ​that ​falls ​off ​the, ​• ​• monkey ​bars ​or ​the ​trampoline. ​Oh, ​God, ​I ​hate ​the ​trampolines. ​It is ​trampoline ​season ​coming ​up ​and, ​you ​know, ​you ​have ​these ​fractures ​all ​over ​the ​place ​and ​these ​kids ​need ​to ​have ​these ​reduced. ​Rather ​than ​putting ​an ​iv ​in ​and ​giving ​them ​medicines ​that ​sedate ​them ​and ​suppress ​their ​respiratory ​system, ​a ​lot ​of ​times ​we'll ​just ​use ​a ​one ​time ​shot ​of ​ketamine, ​which ​is ​really ​nice. ​You ​don't ​need ​an ​ivy. ​It ​doesn't ​suppress ​their ​breathing ​at ​all. ​It ​just ​kind ​of ​knocks ​them ​out. ​But ​they're ​still ​awake, ​sort ​of. ​They're ​sort ​of ​alert, ​but ​not ​really ​able ​to ​feel ​pain. ​And, ​you ​know, ​works ​within ​about ​three ​to ​five ​minutes. ​So, ​you ​know, ​in ​this ​scenario, ​you ​know, ​if, ​if ​by ​some ​miracle ​it ​hit ​the ​jugular, ​which, ​you ​know, ​would ​be ​almost ​impossible ​because ​it's ​at ​90 ​degrees, ​the ​dart ​sticking ​out ​the ​side ​of ​the ​neck, ​and, it's ​buried ​into ​the ​neck. ​But,if ​it ​did ​get ​into ​the ​jugular, ​it ​still ​would ​take ​about ​a ​minute ​to ​two ​minutes ​before ​it ​would ​fully ​take ​effect. ​Now, ​if ​it ​got ​into ​the ​muscle, ​it's ​about ​three ​to ​five ​minutes ​for ​it ​to ​actually ​work. ​Now, ​interesting ​fact ​for ​this ​movie, ​Will ​Ferrell ​was ​completely ​nude, ​running ​down ​the ​street ​during ​the ​streaky ​scene, ​which ​I ​thought ​was ​very ​interesting ​when ​doing ​the ​research ​for ​the ​show. ​And ​no, ​I ​was ​not ​Googling, ​you ​know, ​will ​ferrell ​nude ​or ​anything ​like ​that. ​I ​simply ​was ​trying ​to ​find ​interesting ​facts ​for ​this ​movie, ​which ​this ​one ​popped ​right ​up ​great ​for ​my ​Google ​search ​history. ​Alright, ​so ​overall, ​how ​did ​the ​movie ​do? ​I ​think ​it ​was ​one ​of ​the ​funniest ​scenes ​of ​any ​movie ​I've ​ever ​seen. ​The ​concept ​is ​great, ​but ​the ​execution, ​or ​at ​least ​the ​accuracy, ​just ​isn't ​there. ​So ​I ​can ​only ​give ​them ​one ​thumbs ​up, ​but ​they ​get ​a ​pass ​for ​creating ​a ​completely ​hilarious ​cinematic ​scene.

Dr. J. Parente: Thank you for listening to Emergency Minute

I ​wanted ​to ​thank ​everyone ​for ​joining ​me ​today. ​I ​did ​have ​a ​good ​time ​with ​this ​one. ​Did you ​guys ​have ​some ​fun? ​What ​did ​you ​think ​about ​this ​topic? ​Send ​me ​some ​ideas ​for ​additional ​topics ​you'd ​like ​me ​to ​see ​and ​discuss ​on ​the ​show. ​If ​you'd ​like ​to ​be ​a ​guest ​on ​the ​show, ​let ​me ​know. ​Let's ​make ​it ​happen. ​We ​can ​get ​that ​done ​and ​talk ​about, whatever's ​going ​on, ​whatever's ​trending ​in ​healthcare ​care. ​And ​as ​long ​as ​we ​can ​kind ​of ​connect ​the ​real ​world ​with ​the ​medical ​world, I'm ​down. ​We ​can ​do ​this. ​Please ​don't ​forget ​to ​leave ​a ​review ​for ​the ​show. ​Even ​if ​you ​thought ​it ​was ​not ​very ​good, ​chances ​are ​if ​you're ​still ​listening ​at ​this ​point ​in ​the ​show, ​you ​either ​thought ​it ​was ​entertaining ​or ​you ​can't ​believe ​you're ​still ​listening ​and ​wondering ​if ​you're ​ever ​going ​to ​get ​this ​30 ​minutes ​of ​your ​life ​back. ​Join ​me ​next ​time ​for ​the ​next ​episode ​of ​where ​should ​I ​take ​my ​sick ​child? ​We're ​going ​to ​talk ​about ​kind ​of ​what's ​the ​difference ​between ​taking ​your ​child ​to ​a ​pediatrics ​office, ​to ​an ​urgent ​care? ​Dont ​ever ​go ​to ​the ​urgent ​care ​or ​go ​to ​the ​emergency ​room. ​But ​in ​all ​seriousness, ​hope ​you ​guys ​are ​doing ​well, ​enjoying ​this ​beautiful ​weather, ​living ​life ​to ​the ​fullest ​because ​tomorrow ​is ​never ​promised. ​Peace, ​love ​and ​happiness ​to ​everyone ​out ​there. ​Cheers ​guys.

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